New Year Possibilities

Dec 31, 2022

What a year! How are you defining your 2022?

For me, there was a series of crises and losses, difficult changes to process, and the need to approach old problems in new ways. I worked very hard to find silver linings, practice peace and gratitude, and to transform fears to understanding and love. Still am. I think it's a great life practice no matter the circumstances. I could say it was a crappy year, and instead, with an open mind to translate the events, will re-define the story to a spectacular year.

A year with lots of support from very loving people (like you), confirming the efficacy and trust in the tools and peace practices I've been thankful to find (and share). I trust I rise and will continue, I trust it's more than OK to be with worry and grief - in fact it's sacred. I trust that love will continue to find me in all, through all. I trust it does this for us all! And it's bringing us all into a New Year.

But, Instead of saying "Happy New Year", it feels fitting and actually more uplifting to say to you:

I wish you an Abundance of New Possibilities in the New Year!

Take the experiences, however you define them, and consider the learning and growth, the guidance, the inspiration, the re-direct, the endings, the beginnings. What story will you tell? What is possible if you were to welcome each and every experience, every emotion, every last thing and trust that there is a purpose in it, that it can serve you, it can serve the world? That somehow, all these things get recycled, restored, recreated, that something is born from it?

Just for today as you read this message, I invite you to consider "What is one possibility that you realized or that you can intend for, that is doable, small, that feels inspiring, that has been whispering to you, that will feel good today, that you can give yourself? Breathe into the feeling of it now and let it fill your heart, your mind, your body and feel the good in the possibility of that moment.

This is a new moment. Every moment is. One goes, another comes all day, every day, it all gets new. Each moment becomes a new hour, a new day, a new month, a new year. It will find you, and you can find it.

Have the kind of new moments you have, and trust that each one will lend itself to a new year, a new possibility.

And so, I wish you Happy New Moments for New Possibilities in the New Year!

With gratitude, for Peace and Possibility,
