For Moms Loving Your Child through Their Addiction


Break through your worry! Re-energize your soul! Be a powerful part of change!  Start being powerful you by: 


Finding Peace

A Self-Guided Mini Course for Moms
Yes to Finding Peace

You Matter, Your Healing Matters. You Need Peace.

When You Give it to You, It Goes to Your Child. 


Loving a child through their addiction is hard, which is why you need all the tools you can get to get more peace in order to navigate the inevitable challenges.  We are going to worry, we are going to have fear, guilt, anger, we are going to feel a lot of emotions.  Our thinking creates a wild roller coaster ride. And we can take our power back and get ourselves off that ride and onto more solid and peaceful ground. 


That's what Finding Peace is all about so that you can take care of: 

Worry -  Where is my child?  How are they? Health complications. They should choose recovery. They should get a job. I need them to be healthy, happy. They need to take better care of themselves. They should call me ... but they're not.  Oh no! More Worry! 

Anger, Guilt - The system is stacked against us. I do so much and they don't appreciate it. My friends and family don't understand. I did something wrong. I did too much, didn't do enough. I shouldn't haven't said that. I should have done it better. I can't be happy this way.


Despair -  Nothing is going to change.  It's all getting worse. I'm going to get "the call". I'm losing my sanity, my life, my happiness. My child is spiraling deeper and deeper into addiction. I can't believe it's gotten so bad. Everything has changed and it's getting worse, it won't get better.

Sound familiar?  There's a lot to worry about.  Good luck stopping all these thoughts.  You need a way to care for them.


It makes perfect sense to think and feel these things, but not to stay that way. 


If you have ongoing stress, you need ongoing healing, dependable and reliable ways to restore your peace.    

  • Worry - Where is my child.  How are they, they're living under a bush or a bridge? There are health complications. You're waiting for "the call".
  • Guilt - I did something wrong. I did too much, didn't do enough. I shouldn't haven't said that. I should have done it better.
  • Anger - The system is stacked against us,. I do so much and they don't appreciate it. My friends and family don't understand.
  • Grief - I'm losing my sanity, my life, my happiness. My child is spiraling deeper and deeper into addiction. I can't believe it's gotten so bad,. Everything has changed and it's getting worse, won't get better.
"It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it.
One must work at it."  ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Peace is 100% possible, but let's be real here 

Things get hard. There's another truth, though, that you can make it harder if you get stuck believing your scary thoughts and the imagined scary future that comes with it. Thoughts like:

  • "I can't take anymore."
  • "Nothing is working."
  • "They're too far gone."
  • "I'm going to get the call".
  • "They'll never heal."

Of course there are risks, real concerns, we know that tragedies occur, but that doesn't mean what you're thinking and believing is true at the moment or at all. These thoughts, left to fester, will scream at you and can cause physical harm, causing continued confusion and exhaustion.  This makes you increasingly ineffective to be as helpful as you want to be, and unfortunately as much as you love your child, fear can be the thing that gets communicated more than your love. It's no wonder there's so much pain, right? 


Got fear?  Well, it's not your fault. 

The brain is hardwired for fear. You might even fear facing the fear as if it will bring on bad luck, or the fear will consume you, or make you unable to function in your daily life.  Not true, but fear can be so intense, it has you sometimes believing those things are true and that those scary thoughts about the future are going to happen.

Good news is that your heart is hardwired for love too. And love has power over fear, you have power over fear. You can surely interrupt these normal patterns of the brain, and instead strengthen your capacity for peace and love.

Maybe you've tried educational groups, 12 step meetings, other support groups (and good that you do!), but your inner peace and ability to break through the big emotions is wobbly or elusive.  It's easy to feel like peace just might not be attainable, especially when experiencing some chaos or complication. 

No fault there either!  This stuff is hard and not all programs can address all needs.


Let's remove all fault and replace it with the realization that you just need the kind of support to care for your fear, the kind of support that helps create a safe space and time to feel so that you can continue healing and learn essential concepts and skills to love a child through their addiction.  This is what makes the hard easier, or at least not as hard.

What's involved with this kind of healing? 

  • What you're thinking.
  • How you're treating yourself.
  • Your self-care habits for your body, mind, and spirit.
  • Your support system.
  • Learning and practicing applicable skills 

Get Essential Tools to Create Peace

  • Re-claim your power.
  • Walk your path with more confidence
  • Clear the mind chatter

This is how you can honor your dear heart so that you can honor the timeless, unbreakable bond with your dear child, especially when it gets complicated and you need it the most.  


Yes to Finding Peace

Welcome, I'm Joanne

Hello to you, my fellow courageous mom.  I'm Joanne Richards, mom of a child who struggles with substance use. I'm also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Family Recovery Coach and Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie, Certified Grief Educator, with a Certification in The Invitation to Change and Trauma Sensitive Heart Math.  I've earned a broad personal and professional perspective of loving a child through addiction, the hard way.  The hard led me to learning to create more ease, more peace.  It's time to relieve the hard and power up our love. 

I believe that unless and until we do our own healing, we will remain in a cycle of suffering.  I have caused more difficulty, estrangement, and increased struggle because I just didn't know or wasn't doing enough for my inner peace.  Much of it was preventable.  Of course, I didn't do it deliberately, I did it because of fear, lack of knowledge and skills. 

Fear is the number one contributing factor that causes so many preventable problems. That's why I really want to support moms through the hard stuff with expert coaching, meaningful discussion, and doable activities within a safe, supportive, and understanding community of other moms loving children through their addiction wanting to help them in ways that actually help.  Love wins here! 

If you're reading this, most likely we share an intention to actively love our children through their addiction, starting and continuing with our own healing. We have got to care for our fears (worry, guilt, anger etc) and return to love.

With over 20 years of professional training and personal experience, I've collected some of the most effective and powerful tools and methods, thankfully that have supercharged my own healing, and I trust can supercharge yours too.  My approach is deeply grounded in a foundation of acceptance, compassion, empathy, faith, with practical, evidence-based strategies that promote healing and self-empowerment.  I call it loving with skills.  I'd love for you to join me. 

Introducing Finding Peace

Along with the free guide,  How to Find Peace When You Worry the Finding Peace self-guided mini course offers you a personal experience to put foundational steps into action and strengthen your ability to transform your fear into a clearer mind so that you can live with a deeper sense of peace and into more effective action.  

This is your opportunity to know how to bring yourself out of fear and live the kind of inner peace you need to love your child through their addiction.  Isn't knowing you can restore your peace and share it with your child what you'd really like to feel? Calmer communication? Inspiring connection? 

Love wins here! 

Note: Finding Peace is a self-guided course, and Joanne is available as you take the course to support you in your learning and practice so that you get the most from it.  Self-guided, not alone. 

  • Learn essential concepts to guide you through any kind of stress.
  • Set a strong foundation to restore your peace anytime, anywhere.
  • Get unstuck.
  • Use your fears as a path to peace.  When you find the truth, it can set you free.
  • Create a path forward that honors your child, life, and love.
  • Get additional supports to enhance your peace path.
Yes to Finding Peace


Finding Peace

 Finding Peace is a self-guided mini course that walks alongside as you learn and practice essential concepts to move from worry to peace. 

The concepts taught in Finding Peace, and that you can practice in real life application anywhere, anytime are the very ones I use every day. I need them and would be lost without them. Feelings and thoughts get to have their place, and that is surely ok and suggested in order to embrace the humanness of it all.  Finding Peace, and the truth that lies in its guidance, are always available to bring you back to your heart and a clearer mind.  That is the place where learning and making choices works most effectively.  It is our truer nature to live at peace.  It is our true nature to live this kind of love. 

Fear and worry is not a great place from which to make the difficult choices we make when loving a child through their addiction, when trying to live our own lives, and fulfill our responsibilities.  Finding Peace can help you build a strong foundation for your own path to peace.  I need it, I daresay you need it, our children need it, and I do believe the world needs it from us.  

No one could guarantee that you'll never worry again. You probably will and with very good reason.  And you can break free from it too!  You just need to know how, reliably. You can worry, you can feel everything that comes along with the struggles, it is all part of healing. And you can rise out of fear and worry and into more Love. 


Finding Peace provides the guidance for you to transform your worry into deepening understanding, peace, and  love.  What the world needs now. 



Yes to Finding Peace

Relieve your Worry and Renew your Love

Get essential steps to use anytime and anywhere to care for any stress

  • Re-connect with your self

  • Raise your energy to be in a can do frame of mind

  • Choose life and love over fear

  • Be free of anger and renew your hope

  • Relieve your worry and restore your peace
  • Build your resilience

Here's what you'll get in Finding Peace


Experience for yourself how to transform fear into peace, to get out of mental confusion and into your heart. Learn three essential and powerful concepts, and put them into practice so you can care for your fear and worry whenever you need it.  If you're like me, you need it.  My child needs it from me. This is how he gets it.

Imagine lots of us moms, together changing what really needs changing. Restore your peace, create better balance, and strengthen your resilience to do the hard things, and relieve your pain. 

Re-Claim Your Power 

Return your focus to what matters most.  Your peace and sharing it is what matters most.  Get re-connected to your heart, to a clear mind so you can stay connected with your dear child. 

Walk Your Path

When the stakes are high, it's easy to gravitate into control and fixing, teaching and preaching.  Get re-minded to shift into inspiration to help in more helpful ways. 

Clear The Mind Chatter

The mind will take you on a wild ride.  Learn how to step off the roller coaster, become more present, listen for understanding, communicate and collaborate with more calm and curiosity. 

Special Bonuses

1.  The Pathway to Peace Worksheet and Finding Turnarounds Worksheet to guide you through the course, and to use on your own any day, for any thought, any stress.

2.  75 Ways to Manage Stress.

3.  A Gratitude Guide.

4.   A comprehensive self-guided educational program ~ The Invitation to Change ~ based in science and kindness. 


(Value $200)

Are you ready to reclaim your peace and nurture your spirit?

Enroll in Healing Hearts today and start benefiting from interactive live sessions, a supportive community, and a collection of effective tools tailored specifically for your healing. Don’t put off what is so critical for your peace.  Peace is the way.  Peace in you is what you get to share with your child. 


Take the first step or continue on towards a renewed mind and more peaceful heart now! 


Join Healing Hearts

Are you ready to reclaim your peace?

I wish I could say it didn't take any effort to find peace, and it does, especially when a child struggles with addiction.  They struggle, you struggle.  And there's a way to get moved through the struggles. 

In the course Finding Peace, you will learn powerful concepts to build your foundation for Inner Peace. 

It's always time to create more peace and no time to waste.  Peace is the way of Love.  Peace in you is peace out of you ... and what you get to share with your child. 


Take the first step or continue on towards a renewed mind and more peaceful heart now! 


Yes to Finding Peace

Say YES to Saving You AND

the Relationship with Your Child


Get the mini course, Finding Peace, today so that the inner light of peace shines in you and through you. With this intention, we raise our collective energy as moms to shine our love into the world for each of our children. You're invited to be part of creating a movement of love, healing, and inspired action.  Let's change the world together!  


If you have not reserved your free guide  How to Find Peace When You Worry,  please get your copy here and now.

It's a support for you whether you join Finding Peace or not. 

Finding Peace



Yes to Finding Peace

Get this powerful mini self-guided course now for only $27. 

You may find it is actually priceless and invaluable! 


We know things happen and want to take any pressure off. If you don't find value and you think Finding Peace did not serve you in any way, we offer a full refund within 7 days, with written request. 

Finding Peace ~ Why? 

Is there a better time for more peace? 


 Save Time, Sanity, Connection to Life, Love, You, Your Child: There is no better time or place for inner peace so that you feel it and can live more peacefully, especially when the struggles are real.

Feel more Confident to Re-establish your Peace on Your Own Anytime, Anywhere: You're always with yourself.  Hard things happen, especially when a child struggles with substances.  Know how to restore your peace when you need it most. 

✔ Purposeful Contribution: As a mom who practices peace, you contribute your energy to all those with whom you interact.  You are a peacemaker because you know how to make it in yourself.  Supercharge your love and create a ripple effect through a world sorely in need of healing.

 Affordable Investment with Invaluable Impact: Enjoy knowing you got a lot without breaking the bank.  Enjoying knowing you've invested in yourself and your family  with tools you can use on your own, the rest of your life.  

Say YES NOW to create the ripple effect of peace in you and through you. 

Yes to Finding Peace

Have questions?

Here are some answers!

Create Your Path to Peace 


Don’t miss out on discovering how you can quickly and effectively restore your peace if you practice the essential concepts in Finding Peace.  When you do, you not only build a strong foundation for you, you build something that helps your child too. You'll be creating a healing path for you, your child, and everyone else with whom you interact.  Peace can be contagious! 

Imagine more and more moms feeling a greater sense of peace and strength, advocating from that place with more clarity and determination, empowered not by fear but by the power of love. 

Love wins here! 


Yes to Finding Peace

You Belong Here


Your healing journey is so very important.  It's not just for you. It's so that you can share it with your child too. 

 Finding Peace

  It's an inside job to get the outside results. The time is now. Start transforming your fear and worry to clarity and peace.  This is what transforms your relationships.  

Create your own path of peace with essential steps to walk it.  Know how to give it to yourself anywhere, anytime.  Feel more capable and confident to know you are resilient and resourceful, especially during the hard times.  Build on your skills to connect, communicate and contribute to conditions that inspire change.

With an open heart and an open mind, be moved by Love and be changed from the inside out so that you can share it with your child and the world. 


Yes to Finding Peace

The Finding Peace self-guided course is for moms of children struggling with substance use to learn some powerful and essential ways to manage stress.  This is not therapy and does not offer any guarantees.  No online offer should be used to replace professional help if that is needed.

A member may cancel within 7 days and with written request for refund.